What is a LEEN network?

(Source: www.leen.de, 2016)


Increasing energy costs, resources austerity and climate change call for the readiness to change.
Innovative companies take this as a chance to increase energy efficiency and, at the same time, improve their own competitive position.

LEENs are Learning Energy Efficiency Networks that support this.
By learning from each other a multitude of companies cooperate in order to save energy in the most cost-effective way.


The main starting points of the cooperation in the networks are efficiency improvements with respect to cross-cutting technologies (e.g. compressed air systems, combined heat and power systems, electrical drives).

The scientific evaluation of 30 networks in Germany identified approximately 4,000 profitable measures (average internal rate of return, IRR: about 35%; average payback period: about 3 years).

The evaluations showed that companies cooperating in networks increase their efficiency twice as fast as the German industrial average.

The energy audit is based on the procedure according to DIN EN 16247-1. In the first step, an energetic, actual state analysis is carried out. In this context, measures for increasing the energy efficiency are already identified and evaluated.

In addition to energy balancing, the assessment also includes an ecological and economic analysis (including life cycle cost analysis) of the measures.


Energy Efficiency Increase0%


Relevant Standards and Regulations

  • Energy Services Act (EDL-G)
  • DIN EN 16247-1 Energy audit
  • Directive 2002/91 / EC (Total energy efficiency of buildings)
  • EnEV 2014, Annex 2 (Requirements for non-residential buildings)
  • Ecodesign Directive (Directive 2009/125 / EC)
    • Efficient actuators (Regulation (EC) No 640/2009)
    • Efficient pumps (Regulation (EC) No 641/2009)
    • Efficient fans (Regulation (EU) No 327/2011)
    • Efficient illuminants (Regulation (EC) No 245/2009)
  • Energy Consumption-Relevant Products Act (EPPG) and EPPG Regulation
  • Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases
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